iShear Software Information

Here you will find all information there is available about the current version of iShear’s software and about the Display.

iShear Firmware Information

Update february 2024: new firmware update for the iShear Display.

You can install the new firmware on the iShear Display by following these steps:

  1. Plug the iShear display into your computer.
  2. Download the firmware below on your computer. Note: Do not modify the name of the firmware download!
  3. Drag and drop the new downloaded firmware to the connected iShear Display.

Click on the following link to download the firmware:

iShear: The App

Here you will find all information there is available about the current version of iShear’s software: the App.

The iShear App for iOs

If your iShear did measure before and suddenly it has stopped doing this then this might be caused by using the iOS app. Unfortunately the iShear doesn’t make a connection anymore with the app.

We now make use of an external display together with the iShear. Please contact us about how to get a display.

The iShear App for Android

If your iShear did measure before and suddenly it has stopped doing this then this might be caused by using the Android app. Unfortunately the iShear doesn’t make a connection anymore with the app.

We now make use of an external display together with the iShear. Please contact us about how to get a display.